Subscribers who click on the Marketplace Activation Link will be automatically redirected to the partner offer portal where they can redeem the offer. If the subscriber is not redirected to the partne...
Sync Product Catalog API returns offers which you have added to your Marketplace Product Catalog. Please first go to “My Catalog” page in Marketplace and check if you are receiving the offers which ar...
Please refer to the API Documentation for correct use of the API and error codes. If the problem still persists, create a support ticket for Totogi to investigate....
Please refer to the API Documentation for correct use of the API and error codes. If the problem still persists, create a support ticket for Totogi to investigate....
You can access your API credentials within Marketplace “My Profile” page. However please keep in mind that you will be able to view API Secret only the first time API credentials are created and you s...
You can revoke your API credentials by clicking the trash icon next to the credential within the “My Profile”page. Please keep in mind that your existing tokens will be valid for up to 60 minutes....
Please check your API Key within “My Profile” page” and your Secret Key which you previously stored in a secure place. Make sure that you are using one of the two most recent API credentials in your ...
You can either add them manually or use ListCatalogOffers API to retrieve partner offers which you have added to your Marketplace Product Catalog programmatically. When adding manually, you need to ma...