Commission amounts are calculated based on the method defined in the product description at Totogi Marketplace. Please check and if you still think there is a problem, please create a support ticket f...
Totogi will issue payment once per month when you have a balance due of $500 or greater, and the payment will include all commissions that Totogi has received in the prior 30 days. An example scenari...
Your Totogi account manager will send you a form to have your finance department complete, which will provide us with the information we need to pay your commissions via wire payments. Totogi will ret...
Your payment will be made in US Dollars....
The commissionable event varies by partner. For some partners (like Apple) the act of signing up for a trial triggers the commission, and it doesn’t matter if the user cancels during the trial. For ot...
It depends on the Partner's offer. As long as this information is provided by the partner, we are able to report it back to you. Additionally, Totogi provides a monthly Performance Report with click a...